
Reach dollar with referring free member

Reach the dollar referring member free: Please register as a member for free: Click here Click on the "Register" to register Fill nick name, your email, create a password and select the "please choose" google or forum etc.. Please log in and get your referral link. Promote your link and get other people to join from your link. You will get a 100 point referring each member, if the 20-point review of products, if the 15-point upload photo. 100 point = $ 1 You can using point to buy products that are available, the example is click on the "Promotion" and select the product you want to buy. Then select "add to chart", enter point will be used to buy goods, select the payment with Paypal only, Select "checkout" for payment and follow up the payment process and finished product that you order will be sent to your address in the appropriate data your Paypal account. Point can also change the money at the cash point at least 1000 = $ 10. Condition you should have to order the product at least 1 times. You can click "My message - Submit a ticket" and fill in the title "exchange points for cash" and enter the username and email data you Paypal. So FocalPrice dollar Paypal will send you on your data point in your account. Focalprice provides many products with a very cheap price and payment using paypal, so it is quite reliable and the program is not guaranteed because the fraud has been verified by paypal. My test and ask for payment in the process in 24 hours

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